Referências: Mesopotâmia



The Electronic Text Corpus of Sumerian Literature (ETCSL), a project of the University of Oxford, comprises a selection of nearly 400 literary compositions recorded on sources which come from ancient Mesopotamia (modern Iraq) and date to the late third and early second millennia BCE

The Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary Project (PSD) is carried out in the Babylonian Section of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Anthropology and Archaeology. It is funded by the National Endowment for the Humanities and private contributions.

Eduba é a casa dos escribas, a "escola" da arte de escrever, dedicada à Deusa Suméria Nisaba (Senhora dos Registos Divinos), e no Templo de Inanna é o projecto de estudo do Paganismo em Portugal.


S.N.Kramer – A História começa na Suméria
S.N.Kramer – Sumerian Mythology
S.N.Kramer and Diane Wolkstein – Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth
S.N.Kramer and John Maier – Myths of Enki, the Crafty God
Oxford World’s Classics – Myths from Mesopotamia
Black, Cunningham, Robson and Zólyomi – The Literature of Ancient Sumer
Benjamin R. Foster – Before the Muses
T.Jacobsen – The Treasures of Darkness
T.Jacobsen – The Harps That Once…
J.Black and A.Green – Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia
Div. – Anointed – A Devotional Anthology for the Deities of the Near and Middle East
Gwendolyn Leick - Sex and Eroticism in Mesopotamian Literature (1994)
Harriet Crawford-Sumer and the Sumerians-Cambridge University Press (1991)
Gwendolyn Leick – Mesopotamia
Peeter Espak - The God Enki in Sumerian Royal Ideology and Mythology
Betty De Shong Meador , Judy Grahn - Inanna, Lady of Largest Heart
S. M. Maul , B. McNeil , A. J. Edmonds - The Art of Divination in the Ancient Near East

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Photo by Henry Be on Unsplash

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